In an update on the WWE earlier this week winning the concussion-related lawsuit brought against the company, The New York Post published an article, which shed more details on the case.

According to the report, United States District Court Judge Vanessa L. Bryant threw out the lawsuit and said that many of the legal claims were frivolous or filed after the statute of limitations expired, while Bryant also criticized Konstantin Kyros, the lawyer representing the wrestlers, calling him to task for repeatedly failing to comply with the court rules and orders and ordered him to pay WWE’s legal fees, which are said to be in the hundreds of thousands of dollars range.

The report notes that Kyros has vowed to appeal to the 2nd US Circuit Court of Appeals in New York, as he maintains that the allegations against the WWE were not frivolous and that Judge Bryant was wrong about the claims being filed too late from the perspective of many of the wrestlers’ ailments being diagnosed years after they stopped performing in the ring or after they had died.

Judge Bryant in her ruling indicated that there was no evidence that the WWE knew that concussions or head blows during wrestling matches caused CTE. More details are available at this link.