Here’s the Ohio Valley Wrestling Saturday Night Special report for September 1st, 2012, a show that marked the 10th anniversary of the Davis Arena at its current location in Louisville, Kentucky. The main things on this show were a 30 man “Nightmare Rumble” to determine a new #1 contender for the OVW Heavyweight title, with the winner getting their title shot at the October SNS, and “Smooth” Johnny Spade defending the OVW title against Jamin Olivencia in a 30 minute Ironman match.

Dean Hill & Gilbert Corsey were the announcers for the upcoming DVD of this show. Ron Hed & Terry Boddie were the ring announcers. The attendance was around 150.

The show opened with Josette Bynum coming to the ring with a cupcake. Bynum asked her boss that she hates, Trailer Park Trash, to come out, and offered him the tasty treat. TPT refused to take a bite, and instead ordered Bynum to take a bite. She finally reluctantly did, and ended up running from the ring holding her tummy while TPT was making announcements.

1. Randy Royal beat VIP

Royal beat the heavily tattooed VIP with his Pedigree/Angels wings type finisher.

2. Rocco Bellagio & Jason Wayne w/Prince Bolin & Joe Coleman beat Nick Dumeyer & Cody Castle

Cody Castle looks like a 12 year old kid, and he took some really scary looking bumps, nearly landing on his head a few times. Bellagio and Jason Wayne got the win after a double choke slam on the much abused Cody Castle. Wayne has put quite a bit of weight back on, and spent a lot of time intimidating announcers here, especially Terry Boddie.

3. Heidi Lovelace beat OVW Women’s champion Taeler Hendrix w/Dylan Bostic in a non-title no DQ match

Hendrix said before the match that the OVW BOD has ruled that Heidi Lovelace could have a no DQ match tonight, but that it must be non-title. That made no sense to what they said on TV this past Wednesday, it was just called a title match, the no DQ stip was never in the equation, until now, though these two ladies did go to a no contest on TV the week before last. Hendrix and Lovelace brawled outside the ring for a few minutes before the bell even rang. Hendrix ended up bringing the OVW Women’s title belt into the ring, but Lovelace garnered the non-title win after kicking Hendrix in the head, though it wasn’t exactly a devastating looking shot.

4. Crimson won the 30 man “Nightmare Rumble” to become the new #1 contender to the OVW heavyweight title

Rob Terry was in first, thanks to the sneaky manipulations by Crimson on TV the past few weeks, and Terry totally dominated things early on. The entries were in two minute intervals here, but they had problems with that at first. Much later in the match Chris Silvio had one of the prime spots, like #26, but he wasted it by going right after Cliff Compton, eliminating himself, and chasing Compton out of the arena. Rob Terry had petered out a lot by that point, but made a big comeback, overpowering like 10 guys at once, and tossing a few out right in a row. Crimson was in at #29, but was more than content to just lay on the floor at watch the proceedings once he got sent out under the bottom rope. Alex Silva had the coveted #30 spot, and soon as he came in he tossed Dylan Bostic clear out of the ring with way too much gusto. Bostic landed with his leg/ankle hitting the announce desk in a rude manner, and appeared to injure his shoulder as well, they had an ice pack on it, and he had to be legit helped out of the arena. A super scary looking bump. Hope he’s OK. Silva gets too keyed up and becomes reckless at times. Yeesh.

It came down to Crimson, Silva, and a spent Rob Terry, which it was highly predictable it would come down to those three. Silva and Terry had a Hell of an interesting battle for a few minutes, while Crimson watched from the floor. Terry finally eliminated Silva, but Crimson then ran back in the ring and dumped Terry out for the win at 64:53. Some of this was boring, but some was good, it picked up down the stretch. Rob Terry went for over an hour here, and he looked like it, heck of a workout for him.


5. “Smooth” Johnny Spade beat Jamin Olivencia in a 30 minute Ironman match to retain the OVW Heavyweight title

Olivencia rolled up Spade soon as the bell rang to win the first fall instantly. Olivencia stayed on a roll, and was up 3-0 around the 10 minute mark. Spade finally got uptrapped around the 20 minute mark, tying things up at 3-3 with three straight superkicks and pinfalls on Olivencia. Spade then went up 4-3 when Olivencia rolled to the floor and was counted out. Olivencia tied it up at 4-4 by holding the trunks of Spade. Both guys used each others finishers, but couldn’t get a fall with them. Olivencia went up top with time rapidly winding down, but Spade caught him with yet another superkick in mid air, to get the pin and win it 5-4 as the time limit expired. A very good match, and a very physical one too. A battle of attrition no doubt.

Crimson ran in and speared Spade after the match, and talked smack to him. So far everything has gone Crimson’s way since arriving in OVW. Can he win the OVW title at the October Saturday Night Special? I wouldn’t be against it, but Rob Terry will want revenge no doubt. Send any feedback to