PRIME Wrestling sent out the following:

After PRIME TV #176 went off the air, “The Whole Shebang” Johnny Gargano took the time to acknowledge an extra special fan of PRIME Wrestling and especially of his.

13-year-old Kayden Reinke has had a difficult life. At an age when most kids have little to worry about outside of homework and how to spend their allowance, Kayden has been diagnosed with a blood platelet disorder. As a result, Kayden must undergo chemotherapy treatments every 5-6 months to elevate his platelets, as well as receive IVIG infusions every 3 weeks due to his immune deficiency.

Through it all, Kayden has looked to professional wrestling for strength and inspiration, and one man in particular… Johnny Gargano. Kayden proudly calls Johnny his hero, stating that watching him perform week in and week out has been a constant source of strength & hope for the youngster, and a steadfast way to escape the problems he must endure on a regular basis.

Recently, Kayden showed his overwhelming appreciation for Johnny in one of the few ways he could… by giving Johnny one of his hospital bracelets as a gift. It was a singular moment in time that most likely meant more to Gargano than any victory or championship he could attain. It was only fitting that the first time he had the opportunity to, Johnny Gargano showed his overwhelming appreciation for Kayden.

After PRIME Wrestling TV went off the air, we saluted a true superstar.

See Johnny Gargano battle Krimson and much more this Saturday LIVE on “Pressure Rising” on iPPV available at!

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