WWE have conducted an internal investigation following from claims made by former developmental workers regarding NXT head trainer Bill DeMott.  Chase Donovan and Chad Baxter appeared on a recent edition of the “Two And A Half Wrestlers” podcast hosted by Kevin Matthews, and the pair told a second-hand story about DeMott pulling out a gun in front of trainees, plus first-hand accounts of DeMott using a homophobic slur during training sessions, as well as other accusations.

However, despite the comments made by Donovan and Baxter, WWE claim that no complaints have been officially filed and issued the below statement to Prowrestling.net:

 “There have been no sexual harassment complaints filed against any employee at the WWE’s training facility in Orlando. Instead there have been baseless allegations made by disgruntled talent recently released by WWE.  Regardless, WWE takes these issues seriously and investigated this matter, concluding that there was no wrongdoing.”