Following the WWE’s decision to call time on their online webseries such as Zack Ryder’s Z! True Long Island Story, WWE Download, WWE Are You Serious and many others, it appears as if the WWE Network could be closer to launch on an online platform, as AdAge note that YouTube are preparing to launch paid subscription channels that would allow customers to pay anything from $1-$5 per month for content.

The article states the following:

“YouTube has reached out to a small group of channel producers and asked them to submit applications to create channels that users would have to pay to access. As of now it appears that the first paid channels will cost somewhere between $1 and $5 a month, two of these people said. In addition to episodic content, YouTube is also considering charging for content libraries and access to live events, a la pay-per-view, as well as self-help or financial advice shows.

It’s not clear which channels will be part of the first paid-subscription rollout, but it is believed that YouTube will lean on the media companies that have already shown the ability to develop large followings on the video platform, including networks like Machinima, Maker Studios and Fullscreen. YouTube is also looking outside its current roster of partners for candidates.”