Tonight’s WWE RAW takes place from the Pepsi Center in Denver, Colorado, and is the final RAW before the Elimination Chamber pay-per-view this Sunday. Confirmed for tonight’s show is Sheamus vs. Randy Orton in the main event.

WWE is focusing on the following 5 points for tonight’s show:

1. Can Randy Orton get a much-needed win before The Chamber?

2. Will The Usos finally get their tag team title shot?

3. Can Jack Swagger bounce back and keep The Real Americans running strong?

4. Will Daniel Bryan get away without another Kane confrontation?

5. Can Alberto Del Rio find a way to neutralize Batista before Elimination Chamber?

For live coverage of tonight’s show, follow us on Twitter (@WN_Net and @Enzo_Marino). The full RAW Report will be up on the site as soon as the show ends.