In a post on his personal Twitter account, Zack Ryder issued a statement on his WWE release as part of cutbacks related to COVID-19.

“Thanks for all the love and support the past 48 hours. After 14 years in one place, this new adventure is one I’m beyond excited for. I’ve been getting a lot of inquiries about booking me. I cannot wait to wrestling again and meet more of my fans.

However, with what’s going on in the world right now, I can’t accept any bookings. It wouldn’t be fair to the fans to take bookings, announce them, have people spend their money on tickets for an event….only for it to be cancelled or rescheduled.

The focus right now should be on staying safe and staying home until this pandemic clears up. Once people are able to gather together again, let’s hit the ground running. I cannot wait to get out there and perform for my fans!”