In a recent interview with Sean Waltman’s Pro Wrestling 4 Life Podcast, All Elite Wrestling star Malakai Black commented on the recent news of Bray Wyatt’s release from the WWE.

“I think I speak for everyone when I say that we were all very, very surprised. Obviously, I don’t know the reasons why and the reasons for that is also not for me to know, that’s between them and the company. All I can say is that Bray is a phenomenal talent, I think there’s no question about that, everyone thinks that he is a phenomenal, creative guy.

Funny enough, in our conversations a lot of times, there’s a lot of cross reference the way him and I think about subliminal messaging and building characters and where we get our inspirations from and it’s interesting to hear him talk about his characters. A lot of times, we’re always kind of like, what would we do if it was just you and me, we do a little bit of fantasy booking here and there.

Windham, for as much as I know him, has always been a stand-up guy since the first time I met him, he’s also been there for me when I wanted to ask him a few things, because obviously at the time, he was in the company for a very, very long time, and he went through a similar process that I have to go through.”

The interview is available in full at this link.